This blog is about how to incorporate nature into your student's poetry.
The assignment is to bring something to class from nature to write about. The object should have some meaning to you whether it brings up a memory or it amazes and interests you. They will then sketch the item and make observations and from that write a poem. Below is an example of what I did.

"Dear Poets,
Please bring in a beloved object from nature-an acorn, a shell, a nest, a bone, a shark's tooth, a piece of pine, a flower- some piece of nature that you've chosen because you think it's beautiful, makes you wonder, or amazes you. It should be carefully selected as a reminder of the beauty and the vastness of a natural world. Whatever you choose, it should have a story, a wonder, or a memory attached to it."
-Awakening the Heart By Georgia Heard (page 94)

This poem really resonated with me and since we were talking about nature in this week's blog I chose to include it.