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Sticks and Stones

Where can you find my sticks and stones sculpture? 

The Greenway Trail 

Latitude: 36° 12' 41.4" / Longitude: -81° 39' 31.3194"

What is the sculpture made out of?

Sticks and Stones is a sculpture made out of sticks and stones! I used sticks with varying sizes. The tree was already there with the gap in its roots so I then had to find different sizes of sticks that were sturdy enough to stay in between the roots. For the rock sculpture I had to find thin rocks that I could balance on top of each other. For the other rock spiral I had to find different sizes of rocks that had different colors as well such as orange, reddish, black, and white.

Challenges and Difficulties:

Some challenges I found while making the stick sculpture was that I had to find different size sticks that were sturdy enough to fit in between the roots and stay without falling. There were a couple times where I would place the stick and it would fall and knock down the other sticks, making me start over. With the rock sculpture a challenge was finding thin and flat enough rocks to stack them on top of each other without them falling. For the last rock spiral sculpture the biggest challenge was going over to the bank where all the rocks where. I was running and saw the different colors of the rocks and thought it would be perfect. I had to climb on the tree to jump over the river to get to the bank. When I was finished I didn't consider two things. One, the tree was too high to get back on. The second being that I was recovering from a knee injury so jumping or climbing wasn't the best idea for me. I had to take off my shoes and roll up my pants and trek through the freezing water to get to the other side. Once I was over to the other side I forgot to take pictures while I was making it which is why I had to keep running to find another sculpture to make which is why I have the stick sculpture. 

Here is a song that reminds me of my sculpture Sticks and Stones! ----->

Mountain Emperor - Unknown
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